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kruunuThe Keisari Books

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III Mulikoita vielä kerran - Mera om Mulickaättlingarna

The book presents the descendents of Susanna Keisari and Paavo Mulikka: Eeva (5.3.1733), Marketta (13.5.1734), Susanna (4.3.1737), Helena (25.1.1743) and Markus (24.4.1745). Articles in Finnish and Swedish, drawings by Aira-Niemi Pynttäri.

IV Mulikoista Piispoihin - Från Mulickaättlingar till Biskopar

The fourth and last book of Paavo Mulikka and Susanna Keisari’s children’s Maria’s (30.5.1738), Paavo’s (11.4.1741) and Juho’s (7.4.1754) as well as Jacob Johansson Pietilä/Lassfolk’s (17.7.1713) descendents from the time of six generations.

IB Keisarinmäeltä maailmalle - Från Kejsarbacken ut I världen

A renewed edition of the first book. It consist of eight generations of Vilppu´s descendents and includes also new family branches not introduced in the old edition. Book has 984 pages and 15 000 persons. A few new writings have been added.